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Background Information

I, as leader of this group, agree that the group members will abide by all applicable Florida Park Service (FPS) rules, policies, and standards governing volunteers. The individuals named on the Group Participant List (attached) will provide services as described above. I have secured permission from the parents of all the volunteers in the group under the age 18. I have emergency contact information for each participant.

I understand that I, as group leader, may be asked to provide date of birth, driver's license number or other proof of identification. I certify that all of the information contained in this application is true and correct. I authorize the Florida State Parks to verify the information provided.

I understand that volunteers are not considered to be employees of the State of Florida; however, volunteers are covered by state liability protection (Section 768.28, F.S.) and by workers' compensation (Chapter 440, F.S.). No other benefits of collective bargaining agreements apply.

I also understand my service can be terminated by the FPS with or without cause, and I do not have the right to grieve or appeal this decision, or I can terminate my volunteer status at any time with or without cause. I understand that volunteers on duty for the Department may be photographed or videoed and the materials may be used to promote the Department. No further releases are required.